Volunteer with us

Join our team of volunteers and be part of our mission to transform lung health in the UK.

There are millions of people in the UK living with lung disease. We’re working to make sure all of them have access to the support they need. But we can’t do it alone and that's why volunteering matters so much to us.

To learn more about how you can contribute and find answers to common volunteer queries, please read our frequently asked questions (FAQ) section.

Volunteer roles

A person with vibrant pink hair engaging in conversation with two others, gestures suggesting an animated discussion

Support group volunteer

Volunteer for support groups and help provide support and information for people affected by a lung condition either face to face or online.
A woman in a purple shirt with raised arms cheering with pom-poms at a sporting event

Cheer squad volunteer

Support Team Breathe runners and volunteer at cheer stations in Newcastle, London, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Brighton.
Man on a sofa looking at a laptop

Online admin volunteer

Volunteer remotely and help us with online searches, admin support to the staff facilitating volunteer sessions, proofreading, and other tasks.
Three people in conversation, a man in a purple sweater talking to two women

Community representative volunteer

Join Asthma + Lung UK's national roadshow for lung health awareness. Volunteer at our info stalls in your community.
Two people in conversation, one smiling woman facing the camera.

Ambassador volunteer

Become an ambassador for Asthma + Lung UK and help us connect with individuals, communities, businesses or healthcare professionals.

Other involvement opportunities

Shape the future of respiratory services by contributing your valuable insights and experiences as an individual living with lung conditions.


Respiratory Voices Network

Join our Respiratory Voices Network and use your experience to improve research into lung conditions.


Lived experience advisory panel (LEAP) for lung research

Your voice can shape research priorities and guide researchers and innovators on what matters most to people living with lung conditions.

See what it's like to be a volunteer

I volunteered for Asthma + Lung UK because I wan to change the whole outlook on asthma and lung diseases within the United Kingdom.

You're raising awareness on a massive, massive condition that doesn't get nowhere near the amount of support and guidance and everything else as the charities get.

I had an asthma attack about four years ago. My late wife suffered from COPD. My sister passed away from a severe asthma attack. Both myself and my husband, who's now sadly passed suffer with COPD.

Volunteering has really opened my eyes to the issues that people in lung conditions face. For many, many young asthmatics, there really isn't very much support after the initial diagnosis. We'll be able to reach parents and children who after going home from the hospital, have nobody. They have no support. So I'm flying the flag now for the carers because I think that that is such an important aspect.

Volunteering is something that is deeply rewarding, both for yourself and for the people you work with.

You've got a voice and you can use your voice. It's about having confidence in yourself with living with a condition and sharing your experiences and knowledge with people. It gives me an understanding of a condition. It gives me a learning curve. You can't get anything more rewarding than that. I wouldn't give it up for anything.

They're really supportive and it's really a great organisation. You meet some great people. We are great. We're all great.

Join the fight!

Stay informed about the work we do, the latest advice, support, research and campaigning news, as well as ways you can support our work by signing up to our regular newsletter.