Advice + Support

How the next generation are fighting for lung health by becoming Clean Air Champions!

The fantastic pupils at Commonswood Primary School have been learning all about clean air this year and how important it is for safe breathing and keeping our lungs healthy. In this blog, Natasha from our Community Fundraising team explains how the school have been getting involved with our work.

Learning more about asthma

This week, we visited Commonswood Primary School to talk in their assembly about asthma – what it is, how to manage your asthma day-to-day and how to be a good friend to someone with asthma. The pupils wowed us with their knowledge. After the whole school assembly, Year 6 classes took part in an asthma workshop with Deborah, one of our brilliant Helpline Respiratory Nurses. They identified where they might find asthma triggers at home and shared their excellent ideas.

Becoming Clean Air change-makers

The School Council at Commonswood are completing the Clean Air Champions scheme, our new programme for students to become ambassadors for clean air. They’ve put on assemblies all about clean air, written a letter to their local MP as a school, and are completing a ‘walk to school week’ right now.

A woman speaking in a classroom

Showcasing their artistic skills too!

As well as all their clean air activities, pupils have been designing Asthma + Lung UK mascots for their school-wide competition. They have done a brilliant job. Here’s a few of our favourites!

Inhaler drawings

We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone at Commonswood Primary for your amazing hard work and support – you’re superstars! 

Interested in having a session like this for your school or taking part in the Clean Air Champions scheme? Email us at to let us know!