Leave a gift in your will
1 in 5 people will get a lung condition in their lifetime. And that's not good enough.
Over 1/3 of our funding comes from gifts in wills – they’re absolutely critical to our work. Your gift can start a breathing breakthrough and help us achieve our vision for a world where everyone breathes with healthy lungs.
A gift in your will to Asthma + Lung UK could:
Fund vital research
We drive life-changing research and innovation. We’ll ensure no stone is left unturned when it comes to finding a treatment, cure or a better way to diagnose lung disease.
Help people access support + health advice
We enable everyone to live well with a lung condition – by giving the best possible support and information so people can stay well and out of hospital.
Drive our campaigns for people with lung conditions
We fight to make lung health a priority, to make sure everyone has access to high-quality care, and to tackle toxic air pollution.
Write or update your will for free
Supporters of Asthma + Lung UK have the opportunity to write or update their will for free using our free will writing services.
Write your will online, or in person with a solicitor local to you.
Include a gift in your will to change the future for people with lung conditions
The gift you leave could be the driving force behind life-changing, and life-saving, breathing breakthroughs.
As the only UK charity fighting for everyone with a lung condition, we have a critical role to play. Include a gift in your will to Asthma + Lung UK to be a part of our vital goal: to triple investment into research into lung conditions.
Your frequently asked questions
Got a question about leaving a gift in your will?
Our friendly gifts in wills team would love to hear from you. Call 0300 222 5800 or use the form below.