Nurse answering a phone call on the Helpline


Need our help? We're here for you. 

Speak to our helpline

Our helpline team is trained to give you information on many aspects of living with a lung condition. We'll lend you a caring ear when you need it.

We'll take the time to talk things through with you, and explore any social and practical difficulties you might have. You don’t have to face living with a lung condition on your own.

Calling us is always completely confidential. We're here for you whether you're affected by a lung condition – including families, friends and carers – or worried about your lung health.

Get support

Call or WhatsApp our Helpline for support with your condition. Get advice on your medicines, symptoms or travelling with a lung condition, or just call us to say hello.

What questions can we answer?

You can talk to us about anything - from how to manage your condition, to going on holiday. Or just to say hello.

Here are some of the things we've spoken to people about recently:

  • Advice, support and guidance on how to manage your condition
  • Information about specific conditions
  • Options about medication and treatments
  • What diet or exercise might be appropriate
  • Helping people to understand and accept their diagnosis
  • Learning how to manage flare –ups
  • How to arrange oxygen for holidays abroad
  • Advice on government financial help available through welfare benefits, grants, funding as well as fuel poverty

We don’t have access to your medical records, so you may need to go back to your health care team for answers to some questions. And we can't diagnose you or comment on the results of any test or investigations. If you have questions like this, you should talk to a local health care professional.

We can only provide advice on the treatment and management of conditions in the UK.

How to get in touch

Call us on 0300 222 5800

We'll give you as much time as you need to talk about what's important to you. 

All calls cost no more than a local call from a landline or mobile and will be included in your call package.

We're available Monday to Friday, 9.15am - 5pm.

We're closed on bank holidays and between Christmas and New Year, and we might occasionally be closed for short training periods to make sure we're offering you the most up-to-date advice.

We do record and monitor calls for training and evaluation, and unfortunately we can’t return calls to numbers that bar withheld or anonymous numbers. Read our privacy policy.

Send us an email

Send an email

We'll aim to reply within 5 working days. We are unable to offer medical advice via email due to the complex nature of some of our enquiries, in this instance we will let you know the best way to contact us.

Support in other languages

If you'd like to speak with us in a language other than English, just give us a call and tell us your name, telephone number and the language you wish to speak in. We'll arrange for an interpreter to call you back.

Support for deaf, hard-of-hearing, and speech-impaired people

BT offers a free service called Relay that will help with calling and texting our helpline services where needed.  Please click here to read more about how to use Relay.

We love your feedback

At the end of your call, we might ask if you would be willing to provide feedback on the service we gave you. If you agree, someone will call you back to ask you some questions.

You can also let us know what you think of our helpline by sending an email to

Your feedback is really important, as it means we can make sure we're offering the best possible service.

Get support on our forums

Chat to other people with a lung condition, get support and share ideas on our online forums.

Asthma forum

A place for you to share your experience and get support from other people living with asthma

Lady using laptop

Lung conditions forum

Get support, share your experience and connect with others living with a lung condition

Join the fight!

Stay informed about the work we do, the latest advice, support, research and campaigning news, as well as ways you can support our work by signing up to our regular newsletter.