Advice + Support

Keeping Warm Hubs safe

This winter, many organisations are setting up Warm Hubs. These are places where members of the public can go to keep warm. Working with experts in public health and lung disease, Asthma + Lung UK has produced guidance to help ensure that people running warm hubs can be confident that they are doing everything possible to make the environment safe.

The cost-of-living crisis and growing fuel poverty mean that many people will be unable to heat their homes over the winter. In response to this, organisations are establishing warm hubs. These are places where the public can go during the day to keep warm. Places like libraries, community halls and churches. Warm hubs can also offer support to people who are lonely or socially isolated.

People attending these are likely to be among the most vulnerable in society. Many will have long term health conditions, which can be worsened by acute respiratory and other infections.

Working with experts in public health and lung disease, Asthma + Lung UK has produced guidance to help ensure that people running warm hubs can be confident that they are doing everything possible to make the environment safe.

This guidance should anticipate questions that will be asked and take advantage of lessons learned during the pandemic showing how simple measures can reduce the spread of infections including, flu, norovirus and COVID.

These include ventilation, mask-wearing, hand hygiene and staying home if you have symptoms of an acute infection.