Laura, Policy team, Asthma + Lung UK

A woman sits on a sofa with one hand on her chest, wearing an oxygen mask, looking distressed

How you can help save the NHS by taking part in their consultation

The government and the NHS are working together to save the NHS. They have launched a consultation to find out what people think about the NHS and what needs to change. Read on to find out how you can take part and why it’s so important for the future of the NHS.
A close-up of a person using a vape device, exhaling thick clouds of vapour against a dark background

Disposable vapes: what needs to be done to protect our lung health

E-cigarettes, also known as vapes, can be a useful tool to help quit smoking, but they don’t come without risks. Laura from our policy team discusses the challenges of disposable vapes and what the government needs to do about them.
A stressed man reviews documents as a child embraces him from behind

Breathing Unequal: what needs to change?

Our latest research showed shocking inequalities in lung health across the UK. Laura from our Policy team tells us more about it and gives our recommendations for tackling it.
A person using an inhaler with a spacer

Asthma in the workplace: what our supporters told us

We wanted to find out how out how our supporters manage their asthma at work. We surveyed 2000 of our supporters to find out more about how they handle their asthma at work. Laura from our Policy team talks us through what they told us.
A man exhales a cloud of vapour while holding an electronic device, with a blue-tinted background

Making Britain smoke free

Smoking is one of the biggest causes of preventable illness and death in the UK, is estimated to cause 1 in 4 cancer deaths and causes many lung conditions. The government has recently announced plans to make Britain smoke free by 2030. Laura from our Policy team talks us through the new proposals and what they could mean for lung health in the UK.