Maddy, Policy team, Asthma + Lung UK

A group of people gathered outdoors holding signs advocating for clean air, with messages supporting the Clean Air Justice Network and Asthma + Lung UK

Together we’re charting a course to cleaner air in Birmingham

This October, we hosted our first Birmingham Clean Air Community Conference. In partnership with the Clean Air Justice Network, the event brought together inspiring people from all over the city to fight for clean air. Maddy from the Clean Air Team tells us all about this fantastic day.
A modern city bus in motion, with a blurred urban background, tinted in blue and purple hues

Improve Glasgow’s buses to tackle toxic air

It may be easy to overlook the power of the humble bus but they’re a vital tool for cleaner air in our cities. There are major issues with Glasgow’s transport system that we urgently need to fix to tackle toxic air in the city. Maddy from the Clean Air team explains why the fight for better buses in Glasgow is a fight for clean air too – and how you can get involved.
Two ceramic plates and a cup with an artistic design highlighting the impact of pollution, with one plate listing diseases like asthma, lung cancer, and strokes

Shining a light on Glasgow’s toxic air through the art of pottery

To celebrate Clean Air Day 2023, Asthma + Lung UK was part of an exciting and thought-provoking project which used the art of pottery to highlight the dangers of Glasgow’s toxic air. Maddy, our Regional Campaigns and Policy Officer, is here to tell you all about Glasgow Smogware.
A woman wearing a helmet and a business suit rides a bicycle through an urban area with scaffolding in the background, tinted in blue

Glasgow’s Low Emission Zone: read all about it

Glasgow’s Low Emission Zone (LEZ) will go live on 1 June 2023. If you live or work in Glasgow, you may be wondering what this means for you. Maddy, our Regional Campaigns and Policy Officer lays out what you need to know about the LEZ and why it’s such a vital step towards cleaner air for the city.