
Introducing Asthma + Lung UK: always fighting for your right to breathe

After working together for over two years, Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation have now become Asthma + Lung UK. Our CEO Sarah Woolnough tells you more about our new strategy and how we’re continuing to fight for your right to breathe and support those with lung conditions.

I’ve waited a long time for this moment. The moment when I can finally tell you about a big change that’s happening at your charity – a change that will make a huge impact in the fight for lung health and make you even prouder to call yourself a supporter of our organisation.

Today, I would like to personally introduce you to Asthma + Lung UK.

Twice the passion, twice the power, one united voice

Two charities have joined together as one to be a powerful force for lung health.It feels amazing to share this exciting news because I know you really care about helping people who are living with a lung condition.

You may already know that Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation joined forces at the start of 2020. Since then, we’ve been successfully working together to improve lung health in the UK. We did it when COVID-19 was wreaking havoc on the nation’s lungs and suddenly shining a spotlight on the importance of lung health.

This was a hugely challenging time for people all over the UK, but for our organisation the pandemic was also a huge motivator. It cemented our resolve to work harder than ever for people affected by lung disease.

We were never more needed, and we were ready to answer the call

I’m proud of what you’ve helped us achieve over the past few years, because I know it is a precursor to the huge changes and tangible difference we can make in the future as Asthma + Lung UK.

Whether you have a lung condition yourself, or someone close to you does, you’ll understand just how hard life can be when you’re struggling to breathe. Yet, as much as it pains me to say it, there are still many false beliefs about lung conditions.

These misconceptions stop people from being able to protect themselves and prevent them from getting a timely diagnosis and effective treatment. This means many people will die or lose precious years of their lives struggling with lung conditions when they could be living well.

The driving force behind change

And that’s precisely why Asthma + Lung UK has set out an ambitious vision for the future: a world where everyone has healthy lungs. Our mission is to be the driving force behind the urgently needed transformation of lung health.

The combined force of the British Lung Foundation and Asthma UK communities, means we are even stronger – and as Asthma + Lung UK we can make these changes happen faster.

To learn more about our new strategy visit our website. And then keep your eyes peeled for more big news on the impact we’re making as Asthma + Lung UK!