
Nine things you need to know about the ULEZ expansion

Olivia from our clean air team sets out everything you need to know about the upcoming Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) expansion in August. Find out what this means for clean air in London and why we need you to continue making your voice heard.

1. The expansion means millions of Londoners will breathe cleaner air

It’s estimated that five million people will no longer breathe unsafe and toxic air that exceeds interim World Health Organization guidelines when the ULEZ is expanded to cover outer London. This includes an estimated 87,000 children.

2. The ULEZ protects people vulnerable to air pollution

Air pollution presents a higher health risk to some groups, including older people, children and people living with a lung condition. More than 600,000 people in Greater London have asthma and COPD and nearly 60% of them live in outer London. The ULEZ expansion will help protect them.

3. The majority of Londoners support the ULEZ 

London suffers from some of the worst air pollution in the UK. Parents and younger people alike are concerned by the impacts air pollution has on all our health, and especially on that of children. Recent polling from YouGov* revealed that nearly two thirds (63%) of people in London are in favour of the introduction of clean air zones in the UK including the ULEZ.

4. Thanks to the ULEZ expansion, air pollution will be lower in outer London 

The ULEZ is highly effective at improving air quality, and at improving peoples’ quality of life and health. Since the implementation of the ULEZ in 2019, in outer London levels of toxic nitrogen oxides are 37% lower. It’s estimated the expansion will reduce toxic nitrogen oxide and fine particles from exhaust emissions by an additional 10% and 16% in outer London.

5. Nine out of ten cars in London are already compliant with ULEZ standards

The vast majority of people who live in outer London already drive a ULEZ compliant car without even knowing it. The number of vehicles which already meet ULEZ standards in outer London is currently averaging over 90% across all vehicles, three months before the planned expansion.

6. The money raised is invested into public transport 

All the income that is generated by the ULEZ is ringfenced, which means it can only be used for to pay for improvements to public transport in London. Transport for London has planned one million additional kilometres of bus routes in outer London including 400,000 planned in Barnet, Brent, Havering and Wandsworth.

7. Financial support is available to support people 

Some people living with a lung condition need to use their car to get around and should not be penalised for doing so. The Mayor of London has launched a £110 million scrappage scheme, the largest to date in London. This will help small businesses and people to upgrade their vehicles to ULEZ compliant standards. There will be grants available ranging from £2,000 for cars, £5,000 for wheelchair accessible vehicles and up to £9,500 for businesses.

8. Exemption periods are available for people with disabilities

Grace periods have been launched so that people who receive Personal Independence Payment, Disability Living Allowance and Child and Adult Disability Payments have longer to make the changes. All wheelchair-accessible vehicles and some vehicles with other adaptations will have until October 2027 to upgrade their vehicles. NHS patients may also be eligible for reimbursement of the ULEZ charge when travelling to an appointment.

9. Cleaner air will benefit the economy

London suffers some of the worst traffic congestion in the world. Every year it is estimated the hours ‘lost’ to traffic in London cost up to £5.1 billion per year to London’s economy. That’s 3% of the NHS’s total budget for 2022/23. Congestion generates unnecessary fuel spending, additional air pollution and carbon emissions.

Londoners are breathing toxic air right now and we need urgent change. The expansion cannot be delayed. We need people concerned about London’s toxic air to tell politicians to take action. Writing to your MP is a great way to make your voice heard and help make sure they take action.

By taking action today you can make sure the expansion isn’t delayed and help protect Londoners from toxic air. We’ve put together a simple form to help you email your MP.

*Survey conducted by YouGov on behalf of Asthma + Lung UK on the 19 January 2023 with a representative and weighted sample size of 2058 adults.