Your stories

Cycling for Asthma + Lung UK changed my life

Our supporter, Clarrie, took on a cycling challenge for Asthma + Lung UK. Here she tells why she took part in the challenge and how much of a difference it’s made to her wellbeing.

In 2022, our supporter, Clarrie, took part in a sponsored cycle for Asthma + Lung UK. She challenged herself to cycle 100 miles in a month despite living with severe asthma, which leaves her out of breath. Here she tells why she took part in the challenge and how much of a difference it’s made to her wellbeing.

Taking part in a cycling challenge for Asthma + Lung UK was by no means easy, as I hadn’t ridden a bike in years. But it was an incredible experience that changed my life.

I have Severe Refractory Eosinophilic Asthma, which means my white blood cells are constantly inflaming my airways. Even a few month before the challenge I struggled to even get up the stairs without wheezing.

Getting the right treatment has changed my life

Now, thanks to a drug called Nucala I can leap on my bike and ride. I couldn't even get my bike out without struggling, now I'm excited to go for a whizz about. Research, such as the kind Asthma + Lung UK fund, has helped develop this life-changing drug which means I can now breathe. Read that again: I can breathe. Now I want to give something back.

My husband Mark only has one lung - he lost the other to cancer a decade ago. We've always joked we are the "Limpy Lung Club", and we don't have a decent pair of lungs between us. We do now!

Improving my fitness and making friends

Taking part in the challenge improved my general fitness and was great for my mental wellbeing too. I enjoyed it tremendously - I live in a green place, with lots of cycle routes so it was fab.

I am now the lead on the Active Travel Hub in Seacroft and I am a founder member of our community cycling club. I’m also a qualified ride leader facilitating and supporting Cycle North to get adults learning to cycle. Who would have thought that! It's such an exciting time and taking part in the challenge kicked it all off. It literally changed my life.

Your support could change someone’s life

Taking part in an event for Asthma + Lung UK can make SUCH a difference for people like me. Your support could change someone's life.

If you’re new to being active with your lung condition, break it down into little chunks and chip away at it, bit by bit. I found it useful to write down each day how far I'd gone, both literally and figuratively. You'll be amazed at what you, and your lungs, can achieve! Go for it!

Feeling inspired to take on your own challenge? Check out our range of events. Improve your fitness and your wellbeing while fighting for everyone’s right to breathe. The money you raise could change lives.