Your stories

People don’t understand what a lung condition can take away from you - Elina’s story

Elina was only 26 when she was diagnosed with emphysema, a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). On World COPD Day, here she shares her story to help raise awareness and encourage people to seek advice if they have symptoms.

I was diagnosed with emphysema 10 years ago. It’s one of several conditions that comes under the umbrella of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases). I had a bad cough for several weeks that wouldn’t go away. One morning I was walking my dog and started having a coughing fit. I then had a sharp pain in my chest.

I knew something wasn’t right

I went to my local hospital as I felt that something wasn’t right. They told me that I had a broken rib from coughing so hard. When they did the x-ray, they noticed something on my lungs, I was then referred to a specialist hospital who did a CT scan and spirometry testing.

The x-ray suggested that I had signs of emphysema. The doctors thought that I was too young so referred me to a respiratory specialist. They organised further tests including a CT scan and spirometry which confirmed emphysema. I would describe emphysema like being a fish on dry land. I wish I could rip my chest open to get some air in as my chest is so tight.

People don’t understand what a lung condition can take away from you

I think the hardest thing is the tiredness that comes with having a lung condition. I have a full-time job and sometimes it’s a real struggle to get out of bed.

I sometimes think people don’t understand what a lung condition can take away from you. When I was diagnosed and started using portable oxygen, I had to think about my future. I wondered whether I would be able to have children, possibly having to change careers and restricted travel. The diagnosis turned my world upside down.

Not long after my diagnosis I met my husband. He has been incredibly supportive throughout my journey – he’s my rock. His dad also had COPD and so really understands the condition and the impact it can have.

Don’t be afraid to seek advice

I want to share my story to raise awareness. If you’re having symptoms, don’t be afraid to seek medical advice. People need to keep fighting as I know it can be a long road to getting a diagnosis.

Today is World COPD Day. 1.7 million people in the UK are living with COPD and we’re here to support you. Our information can help you manage your condition and includes expert health advice, a COPD self-management plan to help you take control, and your COPD Patient Passport, a best care checklist to help you find out whether you’re receiving the right care.

We also hold a free online COPD support group to meet and connect with other COPD patients.