The start of my running journey
In 2016, the only running that I could relate to was the running of a bath. I went on a weight loss journey and after losing five stone I heard of a parkrun starting up at Tamar Lakes, which is close to where I live. I asked my friend Shirley, if she would come for a little run with me to see if it was possible. After picking her up off the floor, our running story began!
Since then I have run a number of races, however, I need you to know that I am a very slow and steady runner. I am all about the finish line - not the finish time.
My favourite run is the London Landmarks Half Marathon. I applied to Asthma + Lung UK to run this race for them in 2023 and I was delighted when I was accepted.
Helping people have the best chance of a comfortable life
I asked my dad which charity he would like me to run for when I had a ballot place in the Manchester Half 2022, and he chose Asthma + Lung UK. Along with other illness my dad lives with COPD and Asthma. He’s always been extremely good at managing his condition but it’s always very difficult when he does suffer an exacerbation. This is why we feel that it is important that research into lung conditions continues. And that people with lung conditions have the right information, to ensure that they have the best chance of a comfortable life.
The little things make all the difference
Another reason I chose to support this charity again is because of the personal support that they offer us. I’m made to feel so appreciated and supported. It’s the little things that make the difference - the good luck cards and thank you letters all signed personally by the team, the well-being phone calls during training and most of all, the best cheer stations on the day of the run.
I’m always so grateful to my sponsors and the people who support my fundraising activities. I would like to give a big shout out to my family and friends for their support and also to Tamar Lakes parkrun - the generosity of the runners never ceases to amaze me.
Finding something I love
Finally, it’s great that I can do something I love to do and also support such a worthy charity.
The race days are considered the celebration lap after many weeks of training, where the real work takes place. But for me it is always a pleasure. I sometimes may not feel like going out but I always do and never regret it. As they say ‘The only run you regret is the one you didn’t go on’. I have a wonderful friendship group who join me on Long Run Sundays followed by a sociable breakfast.
I can’t recommend Asthma + Lung UK enough and I can’t wait for London Landmarks 2024. I look forward to showing you my nail art at your cheer station in London!
Thank you Asthma + Lung UK for making my dad’s life a little easier and giving me opportunities to take part in the most amazing events.
If you feel inspired to take on a run for Team Breathe, check out the range of challenges we have available. Every step you take will help us fight for everyone’s right to breathe.