We have lots of support available for people living with IPF, from support groups to our helpline, and our pulmonary fibrosis passports.
Pulmonary fibrosis support groups
Being diagnosed and living with a lung condition can be challenging. Our support groups can help you to make new friends with people who know what you’re going through. You can also get lots of useful information about pulmonary fibrosis.
Join one of our support groups
Our support groups are about making new friends and connecting with others who know what you're going through. They are run by volunteers who organise information and support about how to manage and live with a lung condition.
Pulmonary fibrosis Patient Passport
Our pulmonary fibrosis Patient Passport can help you to find out whether you're receiving the care you're entitled to, and what to do if not.
Our helpline
You can always call our helpline on 0300 222 5800 to find out more about IPF, ask about medication or simply to talk to someone. We can help you plan for clinic appointments and follow up with you after these if you are unclear about any aspects of your care.
This content is currently under review. New information will be available soon.