Use our guide to living with breathlessness to share breathing techniques with your patient.  For personalised advice and recommendations, your patient can take our breath test, which will send them useful links and resources from our website via email.

Our Helpline nurse and specialist respiratory physiotherapists can talk your patient through strategies to help with breathlessness. Our helpline healthcare advisors are also on hand to help with practical aspects of living with breathlessness, such as benefits for patients and carers, getting a blue badge, and aids to use around the home.

Some patients with COPD find hand held fans helpful to reduce the sensation of breathlessness. 

All our breathing techniques and tips can be found in our Breathlessness, COPD Self Management Plan and My Keep Active booklets.

Tools for your patients

Breath Test questionnaire

Feeling short of breath from time to time is healthy and normal – but sometimes it can be a sign of something more serious.

Answering these simple questions can help a patient see what to do next. It should only take about two minutes.

Living with breathlessness

Breathlessness can be managed using breathing techniques. You can also change the position you’re in to recover from breathlessness. 

Did you find this information useful?

We use your comments to improve our information. We cannot reply to comments left on this form. If you have health concerns or need clinical advice, call our helpline on 0300 222 5800 between 9am and 5pm on a weekday or email them.

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