ICS respiratory review - key outcomes

Our key outcomes data shows ICSs ranked using respiratory admission rates and respiratory death rates, as well as other performance indicators for respiratory care. This data set provides a snapshot comparison of how different ICSs are performing across various outcomes, relevant to different respiratory conditions. 

In this data set we have also included the percentage deprivation for each ICS. This is because respiratory conditions are intrinsically linked to deprivation and health inequalities. Respiratory conditions have a bigger gap in mortality rate between rich and poor than any other major condition and those living in the most deprived communities are twice as likely to be admitted to hospital because of their lung condition (internal analysis of NHS England Hospital Episode Statistics).     

What the data shows

This data shows that key outcomes vary across England.  

Of the 10 ICSs with the highest hospital admission and death rates for respiratory disease, six are located in the North East and North West, with all three North West ICSs included in this group. The three most deprived ICSs also fall within the top 10 for respiratory hospital admissions and deaths. In contrast, nine out of the 10 ICSs with the lowest hospital admission and death rates are in London, the South East, and South West. This data underscores the strong correlation between deprivation and poor respiratory outcomes. For example, the three most deprived ICSs have a hospital admission rate 1.6 times higher and a respiratory death rate 1.4 times higher than the three least deprived ICSs.

The percentage of respiratory patients who are being seen within the 18-week target varies dramatically by ICS across England from over 80% seen in 18-weeks in the highest two ICSs, to under 50% seen in 18-weeks in the two lowest. There will be many reasons for this but workforce challenges, such as the variable ratio of consultants per population in each ICS, may play a significant part.

SABA overprescribing typically describes a high number of inhalers being prescribed per patient. As we are unable to access this information at ICS level, we have displayed another useful marker, the percentage of SABA inhalers prescribed out of all prescribed inhalers. Local data looking at the number of patients with asthma who are prescribed too many SABA inhalers may be a useful as part of a Quality Improvement project.

What is Asthma + Lung UK calling for?  

  • To improve key outcomes for people living with a lung condition, respiratory conditions must be a priority in the upcoming NHS 10 year plan. A focus on providing more resources and care to those ICSs facing the highest levels of deprivation is essential.
  • To reduce SABA overprescribing, we want to see the national wide implementation of the new NICE/SIGN/BTS asthma guidelines. Clinicians must be supported with appropriate resources that highlight the potential harms of SABA overuse and explain the benefits of MART and AIR treatment regimes to patients.
  • To improve respiratory readmissions, particularly in the winter months, by delivering good year-round basic care in the community, including annual reviews, vaccinations, and pulmonary rehabilitation, to all those with lung conditions.

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