A happy baby in a Santa hat sits in a colourful walker in front of a decorated Christmas tree

Help a child to breathe this Christmas

Your gift will make such a huge difference to so many children, like Caitlin, who struggle to breathe.

My daughter, Caitlin, has struggled to breathe ever since she was a baby

When Caitlin was just two years old, she was rushed to hospital on the night before Christmas Eve because she was gasping for breath. The nurses said that if she hadn’t been in hospital, she might not have made it to Christmas.

Caitlin had to spend that Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day in hospital. Luckily, she got the help she needed – but our story may have had a different ending if it weren’t for the life-saving research Asthma + Lung UK fund into children’s breathing problems.

It’s only thanks to kind people like you who help to fund this vital research that Caitlin was able to get the care she needed that Christmas. But there’s still so much more that needs to be done to diagnose, treat and prevent children’s lung conditions – so that every child who struggles to breathe can get the care they need.

Support vital research

Could you give a gift today, however big or small, to continue this research – so that no child has to spend Christmas struggling to breathe, like Caitlin did?