Asthma + Lung UK warns that rising flu cases, circulating COVID-19 and plummeting winter temperatures could put those with lung conditions at risk and is calling on people to get their free flu vaccine and the government to tackle NHS pressures.
The number of flu deaths in England and Wales has soared more than sevenfold in the last six years, according to analysis from leading lung charity, Asthma + Lung UK, which is now urging people with lung conditions such as asthma and COPD to get their flu jab and calling on the government to address urgent NHS pressures. (1)
The charity says a ‘triple threat’ situation this winter for people with lung conditions – where a bad flu season, rising cases of COVID-19, and dropping temperatures all occur simultaneously – could put millions of people’s lives at risk. Latest figures show that flu hospital visits are already 4 times higher than they would normally be at this time of the year.(2)
More than 1200 people in England and Wales died from flu in the year 2019 – the latest figures available before the pandemic, with the number of deaths rising sevenfold over a six-year period.(3)
Asthma + Lung UK says colds and flu are particularly dangerous for people with lung conditions, as they are seven times more likely to die if they catch flu compared to healthy adults. (4) Viruses like flu can cause people’s airways to become inflamed, making it harder to breathe. For the 5.4 million people with asthma, this can cause life-threatening asthma attacks, as well as causing worsening symptoms and flare ups for the 1.3 million people with COPD - the name for a group of lung conditions which include emphysema and bronchitis - where it’s difficult to breathe air out of the lungs. The charity’s research of more than 8,000 people with asthma found that around 78% of people had symptoms which were triggered by cold and flu viruses. (5)
Other winter threats for people with lung conditions include COVID-19 and plummeting temperatures. While hospital admissions for the coronavirus are currently averaging at around 500 per day, there is a risk that, like last year, a new strain could cause a spike in cases. (6)
The Met Office has also indicated that this winter will be colder than normal, which creates a threefold threat for those with asthma and other lung conditions - research from Asthma + Lung UK has shown that cold air causes a worsening of symptoms too, in 67% of people with asthma and in 68% of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).(7)
Asthma + Lung UK is urging those eligible to get their free flu vaccine and other winter virus vaccinations as soon as possible. The charity is also asking the government to provide targeted financial support for those with lung conditions to ease the cost of living crisis and minimize NHS pressures this winter. In particular it is calling for the full reimbursement of energy costs for use of life-saving medical devices powered by electricity, such as nebulisers.
Recent research by the charity revealed that almost three-quarters (74%) of people with lung conditions surveyed planned to heat their homes less, while 45% looked set to turn their heating off altogether this winter. This is despite experts recommending that 18-21 degrees centigrade is the best temperature at home for people with lung conditions. (8)
Jacqueline Totterdell, 58, from London, has asthma and spent three weeks in hospital in 2019 after falling seriously ill with flu. She says:
“I was struggling to breathe and panicking. I was so ill that I was very close to being admitted into intensive care and thought I would die. Even after I got home, I spent another three months building my lung capacity back up. It was 18 months before I became fully functional and fit again.
“Even though I did still get the flu, if I hadn’t had that flu vaccine, I really don’t think I would be here today. Please don’t fall into the trap of thinking flu is just like a heavy cold – I’m proof that it is much more serious, particularly for people in high-risk groups. I would urge all those eligible to have their flu jab and Covid jab. It will protect you and your family and keep you safe.”
Emma Rubach, Head of Health Advice at Asthma + Lung UK said:
“It is shocking that flu deaths have soared sevenfold over just six years and this winter it is more crucial than ever that people with lung conditions protect themselves from flu by getting their free flu vaccine. This winter, millions of people with lung conditions face a triple threat: flu season, the circulation of COVID-19 and plummeting temperatures. For some people with lung conditions, being exposed to any of these, or a combination, can cause a flare-up of symptoms and make them more vulnerable to illnesses. For those with asthma, being exposed to a trigger like flu or cold air could potentially lead to a life-threatening asthma attack, or in the case of COPD, a worsening of symptoms which can lead to hospitalisation.
“Because of these risks, Asthma + Lung UK is urging people with lung conditions to get their flu jab and any other winter vaccinations they might be entitled to, to help them stay well this winter. We know that getting the flu vaccine is highly effective in preventing people with lung conditions becoming seriously unwell with flu.
“We also want people with asthma and COPD to make sure they are taking their medicines as prescribed, including using their preventer inhaler daily even when they feel well, as this builds up protection in their airways over time, and carrying their reliever inhaler with them. It is also a good idea to avoid contact with people who have cold or flu symptoms and keep warm by layering up clothing and having regular hot drinks. Trying to breathe through your nose instead of your mouth also helps to warm up the air you breathe in. And we’d encourage people to get more information about flu on the Asthma + Lung UK website or call our helpline.”
The number of people with chronic respiratory disease under 65 getting their flu jab last year was only 56%. Previous reasons given for low uptake of the vaccine include concerns about potential side effects, or doubts over whether the jab works. (9)
Asthma + Lung UK has advice on reducing the risk of catching flu on its website at and advises:
- Washing your hands frequently
- Taking care to avoid sharing towels, cups or other household items with someone who may have the virus
- Trying not to touch your eyes or nose
- Looking after yourself by getting plenty of sleep and trying to reduce your stress levels
- Getting the flu vaccine. Most people with a lung condition are eligible for the free vaccine and can get it on the NHS. Find out more here: Flu vaccinations | Asthma + Lung UK
Notes to Editors:
Asthma + Lung UK is the leading UK charity supporting everyone with a lung condition and fighting for everyone’s right to breathe. It is calling for the government to invest more research into lung conditions. For more information or for interview requests, please contact the press team on 0207 786 4949 or
1/ Underlying cause, sex and age data taken from the NOMIS portal which represents Office of National Statistics data and shows the mortality rate for flu increased sevenfold from 161 in 2013 to 1,223 in 2019 pre-pandemic.
Mortality statistics – underlying cause, sex and age
Cause of death: J09-J11 Influenza
Ages: All ages
Measure: Deaths
Date | England | England and Wales | Wales | Resident outside England and Wales | Total mortality |
2013 | 146 | 159 | 13 | 2 | 161 |
2014 | 112 | 118 | 6 | 0 | 118 |
2015 | 260 | 282 | 22 | 2 | 284 |
2016 | 406 | 427 | 21 | 3 | 430 |
2017 | 430 | 458 | 28 | 0 | 458 |
2018 | 1,523 | 1,596 | 73 | 2 | 1,598 |
2019 | 1,160 | 1,213 | 53 | 10 | 1,223 |
2020 | 483 | 510 | 27 | 1 | 511 |
2021 | 34 | 35 | 1 | 0 | 35 |
2/ Figures from the Government’s weekly flu surveillance data showed that weekly emergency attendances for flu is 4 times the baseline for the week between 14 November - 20 November. Reference Figure 5a page 13:
3/ Please see reference 1/.
4/ Data from Public Health England shows people with chronic respiratory diseases, such as emphysema or asthma, are seven times more likely to die if they catch flu compared to healthy adults: People with long-term health conditions urged to get flu vaccine before Christmas - GOV.UK (
5/ Data from Asthma + Lung UK’s Annual Asthma Survey 2021. Survey run between September 2021-January 2022, with 8,300 responses. Of the 8,300 surveyed, 6,473 people with asthma said that they had symptoms which were triggered by cold and flu viruses. This works out as 78% of respondents.
6/ Figures from Government health data shows the average number of daily admissions for COVID-19 in England in the past week is 486. The daily average for the past two weeks is 509.
7/ Data from Asthma + Lung UK’s Annual Asthma Survey 2021 which ran between September 2021 and January 2022, with 8,300 responses. Out of the 8,300 people surveyed, 5,596 people with asthma said that cold air triggers their symptoms. This works out as 67% of respondents.
Asthma + Lung UK’s Annual COPD Survey, which ran from January 2022 – April 2022, with 6,551 respondents. Out of the 6,551 people with COPD surveyed, 4,440 said that cold air worsened their symptoms. This works out as 68% of respondents.
8/ Data from Asthma + Lung UK Cost of Living Survey 2022, which was open between 9 August and 26 August 2022. This survey received 3,657 responses in total. Of those surveyed 2,661 said that they planned to heat their homes less (this wasn’t a compulsory question and 118 people did not answer this question, so 2,661/3,539). This works out as 73.8% of respondents. 1,602 respondents out of 3,539 surveyed said they planned to turn their heating off altogether. This works out as 45% of respondents.
9/ Figures via Seasonal influenza vaccine uptake in GP patients: winter season 2021 to 2022, UK Health Security Agency, which show less than 60 per cent of under 65s got their flu jab last year. Reference table 5 on page 26: