Six out of ten Scots concerned about air quality at schools

A new survey has revealed that over 62% of people surveyed in Scotland are concerned about air pollution near schools

A survey commissioned by leading lung charity Asthma + Lung UK Scotland and conducted by Opinion Matters of more than 1,000 Scots comes ahead of World Asthma Day on May 2nd.1 

Air pollution can cause asthma in children. When there is a sudden increase in pollution, it can cause asthma attacks and symptoms flare ups that can lead to hospitalisation.  

There is an estimated 368,000 people in Scotland that have asthma with 72,000 of them being children.  

Air pollution near schools is particularly harmful as it can stunt the growth of children’s lungs. They also breathe more rapidly than adults, meaning they take in more pollution through their lungs. Children can also be more vulnerable to air pollution because they’re closer to the ground or at face level with car exhausts – whether that’s walking or in a pram or buggy.   

In Scotland, potentially 73% of schools are in areas above the World Health Organisation guideline limits for particulate matter. Particulate matter is tiny particles in the air linked to domestic burning, traffic, and brake and tyre wear.2

Asthma + Lung UK Scotland is calling for more investment in active travel, car free zones around schools and increased monitoring of air pollution that can be communicated as health alerts.

They are also urging people to think twice about idling in their car outside schools and to switch off their car engines to help prevent harmful pollutants damaging children’s lungs. 

Our latest polling also showed that 7 out of 10 (72%) people surveyed in Scotland agree that they would want a ban on car idling enforced.3

Joseph Carter, Head of Asthma + Lung UK Scotland said: 

“With the majority of people surveyed in Scotland worried about air pollution near schools, it is time for measures to be looked at to help protect children’s lungs, especial those living with conditions like asthma who are more susceptible. 

“Exhaust emissions from cars contain dangerous toxins such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter. No one should be forced to breathe in harmful pollutants. 

“It’s shocking that nearly 3 in 4 schools in Scotland are in areas above the recommended guidelines for safe air according to the World Health Organisation. 

“We all need to drive less and walk and cycle more, but if you need to drive your car, please switch off your engine outside schools.”

Leanne McGuire, Glasgow City Parents Group said:

"We can all play our part in reducing the pollution around our schools and improving air quality. From Councils that can invest more in school car-free zones and incentivise active travel to Parent Councils campaigning for air pollution monitoring. 

"We also encourage all parents, carers and anyone involved in school pickups or drop-offs, to turn their car engines off when stopping near our schools.

"We understand families can often have competing priorities, and they may rely on their car to get around quickly but if we can all be a little more mindful of the congestion and car engine fumes, we can all help to improve the air quality around our schools.

"Turning off your engine while waiting near schools or choosing to drop off a few streets away could help reduce the exposure of harmful pollutants to our children. Abiding by the car-free zone restrictions or choosing active travel options on some days will all help to improve air quality.

"We should all strive to reduce the harms of air pollution for our children, and for our school community."

If you have concerns about your asthma, we have a helpline 0300 222 5800 open Monday–Friday 9am–5am. 


Notes to Editor

1.    We surveyed 1,000 adults in Scotland and six out of ten (62%) are concerned about air quality at schools. Combining those who said ‘Extremely concerned’ and ‘Quite concerned’ to the following statement: How concerned are you about air quality at schools?    
2.    In 2019 British Lung Foundation (BLF) asked Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants (CERC) to use existing modelled NO2 and PM2.5 data to find predict air pollution levels around schools, health centres, care homes and hospitals. World Health Organisation guideline limits for particulate matter since 2021 is set at 5 µg/m3 for PM2.5   
3.    We surveyed 1,000 adults in Scotland and 7 out of 10 (72%) agree about air quality at schools. Combining those who said ‘Strongly agree’ or ‘Somewhat agree’ to the following statement: To what extent do you agree or disagree that vehicle idling at school gates should be banned?


The research was conducted by Opinion Matters on behalf of Asthma + Lung Scotland, among a sample of 1,000 adults in Scotland aged 16+. The data was collected between 22.12.2022 – 03.01.2023. Opinion Matters abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society which is based on the ESOMAR principles.