533 search results for:
Travelling safely with a lung condition
… a review and making sure your self-management plan or asthma action plan is up to date. Travelling abroad can take … or cold weather can affect you and lead to flare-ups or an asthma attack. Hot weather also increases the amount of ozone … asthma action plan and make sure it lists details of the treatments you need in an emergency. It’s helpful to give …
Lowering your risk from air pollution
Peak flow
Relationships and lung conditions
Depression and your lung condition
Preventing COVID-19
… if you have certain lung conditions or are having certain treatments. If you think you’re high risk, speak to your GP, … being treated with biologic therapies? If you have severe asthma and are treated with biologics (known as mAbs, or … it. If possible, you shouldn’t have your vaccine and your asthma biologic on the same day. Good hygiene There are …
Your lung condition and anxiety
What should I do if I have COVID-19?
Looking after your mental health and well-being
… challenges, including: living in fear of a flare-up or an asthma attack or of not being able to breathe feeling … medicines. These side effects can include mood swings. An Asthma + Lung UK survey of 3000 people who had taken oral … counselling , cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) , or treatments for depression . Talk about the medicines you’re …