90 search results for: triggers
This isn’t just a season. This is life + breath.
Completing an asthma action plan with your patients
… keep their asthma under control, such as oral medications, peak flow meters, or nebulisers. If you decide it’s … the course urgently if symptoms get worse or their peak flow drops if they don’t feel better before the end of … alternatives, such as A&E or local walk-in centres. Peak flow – All sections In all three sections, there is an …
Women almost twice as likely to die from asthma than men
Manage your severe asthma
… and triggers When you’re getting a lot of symptoms, it’s easy to lose track of what symptoms you had, when, and what …
Charity warns of back to school asthma spike
… Charity warns of back to school asthma spike As the school holidays draw to a close, leading … know what the vital five lifesaving steps are if a pupil is having an asthma attack. As the school holidays draw to a … Make sure your child knows how to use their inhalers properly. You can arrange an …
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The number of children ending up in hospital with life-threatening asthma attacks more than doubles
… The number of children ending up in hospital with life-threatening asthma attacks more than doubles New analysis from Asthma + …