Meet the core research team


Cambridge University Hospital (CUH; UPTURN Sponsor)
  • Dr Jonathan Fuld (UPTURN co-lead): Consultant Physician (Department of Respiratory Medicine), Clinical lead for the NHS England Pulmonary Rehabilitation workstream.
University of Cambridge
  • Prof Steve Morris (UPTURN co-lead): RAND Professor of Health Services Research
  • Prof P John Clarkson: Professor of Engineering Design (Cambridge) and Healthcare Systems (TU Delft), Director of the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre and Co-Director of Cambridge Public Health
  • Dr James Ward: Senior Researcher at the Centre for Engineering Better Care
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)
  • Jeff Andrews
  • Tracy Cripps (also affiliated to CUH)
  • Mir Gofur
Asthma + Lung UK
Bangladesh Primary Care Respiratory Society (BCPRS)
  • Dr Monsur Habib: Primary Care Respiratory Physician, President of the BPCRS

University of York
  • Dr Suman Prinjha: Senior Research Fellow at York University, NIHR Research Design Service Senior Research Advisor
University College London (UCL) centre for behaviour change
King’s College London
University of Leicester
NHS Somerset
University of East Anglia, Norwich Clinical Trials Unit (NCTU)