Whoever said, “We all breathe the same air” didn’t grow up in any of the places in the UK where air pollution exceeds the World Health Organisation’s recommended limits. Didn’t have to worry about being one of the 36,000 early deaths attributed to air pollution every year. Wasn’t the 1 in every 5 people who will have a lung condition in their lifetime. Or one of the 5.4 million people in the UK living with asthma.
Why we’re fighting for breath
- In the UK, respiratory care simply isn’t good enough.
- Even before Covid-19, NHS hospital admissions for lung conditions were rising three times faster than average admissions.
- Lung disease is now the third most common cause of death, costing the NHS more than £9 billion every year. So this issue needs to be at the top of the health agenda.
- People living with lung conditions are often overlooked and being left behind. Their condition isn’t accurately diagnosed at an early stage – and even when they are diagnosed, they’re not given the care they need.
At Asthma + Lung UK we listen to people affected by lung conditions to understand their views and needs – and this informs everything we do.

It’s three years since I first noticed symptoms of COPD, but I still haven’t had a spirometry test to confirm it. It’s very frustrating not to have the information you need, especially when early diagnosis and action can halt the decline. I’ve had to fight for answers every step of the way.
Our vision
At Asthma + Lung UK our vision is for a world where everyone has healthy lungs. A world where lung health is prioritised through better understanding, research, treatment and support. We are dedicated to helping create a world where good lung health and the ability to breathe freely are a basic right enjoyed by all.
And we will be the driving force behind the transformation of lung health.
From research and campaigning to advice and support, as the nation’s lung charity we are on a mission to change the way that lung health is perceived.
Right now, the situation needs drastic improvement. We need change to improve the lives of millions of people with lung conditions.
To make this happen, at Asthma + Lung UK we have a five-year plan based on achievable goals. This will help us shift attitudes about the way lung health is seen in the UK – and drive real progress.
A battle plan
By 2027 we aim to reduce deaths and ill-health caused by lung conditions by 20%. But to achieve this we’ll need to:
Prevent lung disease wherever we can
We fight for clean air, against smoking and to stop the injustice that lung disease hits the poorest hardest.
Diagnose lung disease earlier and more accurately
We improve public awareness of the symptoms of lung disease and develop ways to diagnose lung conditions better and faster.
Enable everyone to live well with a lung condition
We give the best possible support and information so people can stay well and out of hospital, and fight to make high-quality care a reality for all.
Drive life-changing research and innovation
We push to triple public funding in this area to £150 million each year. We’ll ensure no stone is left unturned to find better treatments and cures.
Join the fight!
Stay informed about the work we do, the latest advice, support, research and campaigning news, as well as ways you can support our work by signing up to our regular newsletter.