Managing COVID-19 at home
There are simple things you can do at home to help ease COVID-19 symptoms.
- get a lot of rest
- manage your breathlessness using our advice
- drink plenty of water (drink enough so your pee is light yellow or clear)
- ask a pharmacist for help treating COVID-19 symptoms, such as a cough
- take paracetamol or ibuprofen if you’re able to. Check if ibuprofen is suitable for you before taking it
- keep managing your lung condition well. This includes taking your usual medicines as prescribed and following your self-management plan. We have asthma action plans, a COPD self-management plan and a pulmonary fibrosis self-management plan that you can download for free.
When to get help
It’s important to get help for COVID-19, especially if you have a lung condition that increases your risk of getting very ill.
Book an urgent GP appointment or contact NHS 111 if:
- you're worried about your COVID-19 symptoms or are not sure what to do
- your symptoms are getting worse or are not getting better
- you have other signs of illness, such as a rash, loss of appetite, or you are feeling weak
- you have a high temperature that lasts five days or more or does not come down with paracetamol.
Call 999 if:
- you cannot say short sentences when you’re resting
- your breathing suddenly gets worse
- you’re having an asthma attack and your reliever inhaler isn’t helping
- you’re struggling to breathe
- you cough up blood
- you have a rash that does not fade when you roll a glass over it
- you collapse, faint, or have a seizure
- you get sudden chest pain.
Treatments if you're at higher risk
Who can get COVID-19 treatments
You can access COVID-19 treatments if all the following apply:
- you’re aged over 12
- you’re at the highest risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19
- you have symptoms of COVID-19
- you have tested positive for COVID-19.
Who is higher risk?
You’re considered higher risk if you have certain lung conditions or are having certain treatments.
If you think you’re high risk, speak to your GP, nurse or healthcare professional.
What are COVID-19 treatments
Antiviral medicines can help treat COVID-19. You might get antiviral medicines as capsules, tablets or a drip in your arm (infusion).
The NHS has more advice about treatments for COVID-19, including information about what treatments are available and how you can get them.
What to do if you’re not better after four weeks
Recovery is different for everyone. Most people begin to feel better within a few days or weeks of first getting COVID-19 symptoms and make a full recovery within twelve weeks. But, your symptoms could last longer.
Long COVID is used to describe symptoms of COVID-19 that last for over four weeks and cannot be explained by another condition. You can get long COVID even if you had mild coronavirus symptoms.
We have more support for people living with long COVID.

Get support
Call or WhatsApp our Helpline for support with your condition. Get advice on your medicines, symptoms or travelling with a lung condition, or just call us to say hello.