Long Covid Online Support Group

An online support group for those living with long covid to share your experiences, connect with others and get tips to manage your breathlessness

The sessions are held on Zoom on the first Tuesday of every month, from 12 noon to 1pm. All are welcome, whether you have a diagnosis of long covid or not.

You’ll learn how to manage and reduce your breathlessness, alongside talks from our nurses on how to speak to your GP about long covid. Our health care advisors can also help you work out which benefits you may be entitled to and how to claim them.


Registration is currently closed to new attendees but we may extend these sessions in future

Register interest here

Some of the activities we do at these sessions may make some people feel breathless. This is entirely normal. Being a little bit more breathless than normal is necessary for improving your fitness. However, exercise should not hurt. Pain during an exercise (beyond any aches and pains that are normal for you) means you should stop that activity.  STOP if you get any sudden unpleasant symptoms including: 

  • chest pain or tightness that is either new for you, or not relieved by your Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) if you use it
  • feeling dizzy, nauseous, clammy or cold
  • feeling increasingly wheezy . general extreme fatigue
  • weakness in an arm or leg that is more than just a tired muscle

Get advice from your GP or another health care professional if you experience any of the above or call 999 in an emergency.

For more information visit:
How can I manage my breathlessness? | Asthma + Lung UK (asthmaandlung.org.uk)

To find out more, please email supportgroups@asthmaandlung.org.uk or call 0300 222 5800.