Mindfulness for lung health

This online five-week course is a taster in mindfulness. It aims to give members the tools that will support them in leading more fulfilling lives. Helping to improve quality of life, reduce emotional distress and reduce fatigue.

The techniques taught are a mix of mindfulness, meditation, compassion and supportive mindful movement practice.

This course will be led by fully accredited Breathworks teachers. The Breathworks approach to mindfulness has been subjected to numerous scientific studies and has proven to be a highly effective method for managing chronic health conditions, pain conditions and mental health illnesses.

Using mindfulness techniques such as meditation and mindful movement our instructors will help you to build a toolkit of practices, these can then be used to help accept and manage life’s challenges.

Mindfulness can help you to relax, notice and enjoy the pleasant things in life as well as helping you to manage your health condition by reducing fatigue and restoring balance and focus.

The course is a balance between mindfulness theory and practical sessions. Using mindfulness effectively is a skill and practicing between sessions is encouraged.

Please note that mindfulness can bring up uncomfortable feelings and sensations, please do let us know during the session if you’re experiencing such feelings it may not be suitable for someone who is experiencing a significant depressive episode or anyone who had been recently bereaved.

Please make sure you read our full guidelines for participating in our support group sessions before you join.


The next set of sessions start on Tuesday May 6th 2025 at 10.30 am, but places are limited.

We ask that you attend all five sessions if possible. We understand your health may not allow this but ask you do your best and let us know if you can't attend.

As the sessions aren’t recorded, we’re unable to send out recordings of missed sessions. There will be a short catch up at the beginning of each session to go over the weeks previous content.

We also kindly ask that you arrive in good time for the start of the sessions. As the practical sessions require instruction and explanation if you arrive during this time you’ll be admitted after that particular practice is completed.

What an amazing hour session. I feel so relaxed! I almost feel I’ve been away for a few days. Thank you again to all for arranging it and so look forward to the next session.