Exercises to help you feel more energetic

In this video, we show you some step-by-step exercises you can do at home to get you out of breath on purpose and work your heart and lungs.

Hi, I'm Adrian, a pulmonary rehabilitation exercise instructor.

This routine is about 10 minutes and includes movements to help you get out of breath on purpose by working your heart and lungs.

If you are new to this or you need to follow a gentle routine today, follow Ellie. If you're building your level of work and feel like you'd like to do a little more today, follow Diven. If you're feeling confident to do more and your breathing is strong today, follow Steve.

During this routine, you may feel slightly sweaty and your heart will beat faster too.

Start small and build up gradually.

It's healthy to feel quite out of breath whilst exercising. This shows you're working to the right activity level for you.

If you can say, "These movements are fun and doing me good" with a couple of breaks for breath "These exercises are fun and doing me really good", then you're on the right track. If you can say it comfortably without stopping, increase the intensity.

If you can't speak or can't say more than one word at a time, slow down and try to get your breath back.

Don't stop suddenly.

There are lots of ways to manage your breathlessness during and after movement.

You can use the techniques you learned in the previous video to help you here.

Quickly marching on the spot can help reduce fatigue and improve your stamina. It increases your heart rate and your lung strength.

You can do this seated or standing.

Do this for around one minute.

Stand or sit upright, not leaning back on your chair.

Hold onto the sides of your chair if you are seated and you feel like you need to.

Lift your leg with your knee bent as far as comfortable, place your foot down with control
and repeat on the opposite leg.

When you are ready, off you go.

So a nice brisk pace.

That's it. Allowing your arms to swing by your side if you're comfortable to do so.

If you would like a more gentle routine today, follow Ellie who is doing the seated version.

If you're feeling like building your strength today, you could march on the spot like Diven.

Well done everyone.

If you're finding this is quite comfortable with your breathing, you can just start to speed up a little bit as you move into the latter half of this movement.

If you're feeling confident and strong today, you can march on the spot standing up and swing your arms bigger.

You could also increase the speed of your marching. Steve is demonstrating this.

We've got about five seconds to go

and stopping there.
Well done.

Leg slides aim to help you with your balance and coordination.

It supports your core muscles.

Sit or stand facing a stable surface and stand with your feet together.

Press or rest your hands down on the surface.

Without raising your shoulders, slide one leg out a few inches to the side.

Keep your toes facing forward.

Bring the leg back to the centre and repeat on the other side.

When you're ready, off you go.

Completing five repetitions each side, ten in total.

If you'd like a more gentle routine today, you can try this sitting down like Ellie. Simply sit down towards the front of your chair, step your leg out to the side, keeping it straight back and trying not to lean with the movement.

If you are building your strength today, follow Diven. If you're feeling confident
and strong today, try doubling the amount of sets you do like Steve.

Well done everyone.
Last one

and relaxing there.

Step ups help build the strength in your leg muscles.

Stand in front of a step about six inches high, such as the bottom of a set of stairs.

Step up onto the step with one foot and bring your other foot up to join it.

Step back down again with one foot, and then the other foot.

Repeat and maintain a steady pace.

We're looking to complete ten repetitions on each foot, so twenty repetitions total.

When you're ready, off you go.

If you'd like to do a gentle routine today, you can try this sitting down like Ellie.

To do so, you can sit and lift each foot to tap a block or box in front of you.

Well done everyone, so continue trying to maintain that pace.

If you're confident with your balance, try and keep looking forward as well.

If you're feeling like building your strength today, follow Diven. If you're feeling confident and strong today, like Steve, you can try increasing the speed of your step ups or try doing some arm raises at the same time, if you're confident with your balance.

Just a few more repetitions to go. Keep going

and stopping there.
Well done everyone.

Star jacks can help reduce fatigue and improve your stamina. They increase your heart rate and your lung strength.

You can do this seated or standing.

Sit or stand up straight, tap your right leg out to the side and bring your leg back to the middle.

When you're ready, we'll complete ten repetitions.

Off you go.

If you'd like to do a gentle routine today, you can do this sitting down or if you want to stand but you're feeling breathless, you can lean on the back of a chair.

Ellie is demonstrating this.

Well done.

And again, if you find that halfway through these exercises, you start to get too puffy you can relax the arms and just focus on your legs.

If you're feeling like building your strength today, follow what Diven is doing.

If you're feeling strong and confident today, you can increase the length of time or speed of this activity. Steve is demonstrating this.

Final one and stopping there.

Well done everyone.

This video is seven minutes and six seconds long and includes:

  • four different exercises to get you out of breath on purpose and work your heart and lungs. Do each exercise 10 times.

You can do these exercises seated or standing, whichever is right for you. Some of the exercises use everyday items you can find in your home, such as weights.

In this video Adrian explains the three different levels in our Keep Active programme. It’s important you pick the level that is right for you.

  • Level 1 – If you're new to this programme or would like a gentle routine today.
  • Level 2 – If you’re building your strength and would like to do more today. 
  • Level 3 – If you’re feeling strong and confident today.

Remember it’s completely normal to feel breathless when you’re active. When you’re doing this video, you should aim to feel quite out of breath. 

The Talk Test

When you’re active, a quick way to check if you’re working at the right level for you is to do the Talk Test.  Say out loud: ‘This activity is doing me good!’ while moving. 

  • If you can say the sentence with one or two stops for breath, you’re working at a moderate intensity. This is your aim. 
  • If you can say it comfortably without stopping, increase the intensity. 
  • If you can’t speak or can’t say more than one word at a time, slow down and try to get your breath back a little on the go. Don’t stop suddenly.
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