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You make my dad’s life easier - why I run for Asthma + Lung UK
… + Lung UK. Along with other illness my dad lives with COPD and Asthma. He’s always been extremely good at managing …
Fighting for breath: Katy’s story
… stories Fighting for breath: Katy’s story Katy noticed her COPD symptoms three years ago. She’s been shocked by the lack … I first noticed symptoms of what would turn out to be COPD, but I still haven’t had a spirometry test , to confirm … chest infection. The first time a doctor mentioned COPD was in September 2020, but it took until February 2021 …
Asthma in the workplace: what our supporters told us
… Campaigning Asthma in the workplace: what our supporters told us We … wanted to find out how out how our supporters manage their asthma at work. We surveyed 2000 of our supporters to find … their employer would know what to do if they had an asthma attack. Reassuringly, the vast majority of people (91.4%) …
Losing my loved ones to Mesothelioma – how fundraising has helped me
… to mesothelioma, 76-year-old Ray started fundraising for Asthma + Lung UK. Here, he tells us his story about how doing … £13,300 in aid of mesothelioma support and research. Ray, Asthma + Lung UK supporter Published 23rd February 2022 I was … so good to know I am raising money to help the work that Asthma + Lung UK (previously British Lung Foundation) do to …