132 search results for:


Disposable vapes: what needs to be done to protect our lung health

… also known as vapes, can be a useful tool to help quit smoking, but they don’t come without risks. Laura from our … cigarettes and they’ve also been shown to help people to stop smoking. However, lots of people are starting to vape … in price should run alongside the expansion of the Swap to Stop scheme , so more people on low incomes can access a free …


I’m training to be a nurse inspired by the care I received for my asthma

… to be a nurse inspired by the care I received for my asthma Paul, 47, from Beith near Glasgow spent decades having severe asthma attacks. Now he’s running marathons thanks to … … Paul, 47, from Beith near Glasgow spent decades having severe asthma attacks. Now he’s running marathons thanks to …


A huge win for clean air in London: ULEZ goes further

… Emission Zone (ULEZ) across the whole of London and what this means for clean air. Rob Day Published 8th March … 4,000 premature deaths a year across the capital and is having a devastating effect on people’s lungs, … was responsible for 1,700 hospital admissions for asthma in London; accounting for 7% of all childhood asthma


You make my dad’s life easier - why I run for Asthma + Lung UK

… Your stories You make my dad’s life easier - why I run for Asthma + Lung UK Our supporter Lesley ran for Team Breathe in … her journey to running half marathons and why supporting Asthma + Lung UK is so important to her and her family. Lesley, Asthma + Lung UK supporter Published 17th October 2023 The …


Fighting for breath: Katy’s story

… needing a diagnosis. Here, she tells her story. Katy, Asthma + Lung UK supporter Published 16th March 2023 It’s … turn out to be COPD, but I still haven’t had a spirometry test , to confirm it or how well my lungs are coping. It’s … with no cure. You can feel the future is out of your control. You have to grieve the life you thought you were …


Asthma in the workplace: what our supporters told us

… symptoms to get worse. This is because there are asthma triggers in these workplaces such as dust and fumes; … Tell your colleagues about your asthma, and what your triggers are . Your employer may be able to make reasonable …