People at a Support Group

Groups + support

Improve your ability to handle breathlessness and connect with a supportive community of individuals who can relate to and empathise with your experiences.

Explore our diverse range of online, in-person, and singing groups to find the one that best suits your preferences and needs. 

If you have any doubt as to the suitability of these sessions please consult your HCP, especially if you have recently had surgery.

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Singing for Lung Health group

Motivational Mondays

Motivational Mondays is our weekly online Singing for Lung Health session led by Helen Hayes who has taken part in the Asthma + Lung UK Singing for Lung Health programme.
Woman breathing deeply in a living room

Mindfulness for lung health

Looking after your lung health in a busy world can be difficult. Mindfulness for lung health can help you manage your symptoms. Our online Mindfulness for lung health group runs for five sessions.
Woman playing the harmonica

Harmonica for lung health

You will learn to play some folk, country and blues music, as well as learning new breathing techniques and strengthening your breathing and coughing muscles.
People doing chair based exercise

Feel Good Fridays

You can improve your mobility and wellbeing with our chair based Zumba sessions, but most importantly, have fun!
woman tapping her chin

Tapping for lung health (EFT)

Learn EFT, a self-soothing coping strategy that can help you reduce stress levels, develop emotional regulation and clear energetic blockages. You can also take this tool further to combat deeper issues mentally, emotionally and physically to promote mental health stability.
Woman with a mug speaking over Zoom on a laptop

Breathe Easy Lates

Take control of your lung health with our new evening support group. Connect with others who understand what it’s like to feel breathless, share your experiences, and get tips to manage your breathlessness.
Woman looking at a laptop

COPD Online Support Group

Volunteer Vivienne leads our group for people with COPD. The group meets online on Zoom once a month on Thursday.
Man clutching his chest

Bronchiectasis Online Support Group

Volunteer Patricia has had bronchiectasis for most of her life and is the volunteer of a group dedicated to supporting people who have this little known condition. The group meet once a month and have a range of great speakers.
Man wearing a mask

Long Covid Online Support Group

The Long Covid support group focusses on Breathlessness and self-management. We meet once a month on a Tuesday.
man on home ventilation reading a newspaper

Home Ventilation Online Support Group

An online support group for those using home ventilation on a regular basis with talks from specialist healthcare providers, pulmonary rehab specialists and dietitians.
woman sat cross legged examining her breathing

Body Breathing

In Body Breathing you will explore the relationship between breathing, the body, the mind and your emotions. You will learn common areas of tension, and how gentle movement can support good breathing. We will go explore gentle breathing techniques that work for you.
boy sitting on bed looking at inhaler

Parent and Carer Support Network

We offer support and free online events for parents and carers of children with asthma.
national Aspergillosis Centre

National Aspergillosis Centre Patient Support Group

The types of diseases caused by Aspergillus are varied, ranging from an allergy-type illness to life-threatening generalised infections. A new diagnosis of aspergillosis can make you feel scared and isolated. This online support group is specifically for people diagnosed with aspergillosis.

What are Support Groups?

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